
Friend John's hang out joint...


Friend John @ Tumblr

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friend John on tumblr

So I know my arcticaexists sight looks pretty crappy, and I really don't feel like updating it to make it pretty, thus I started a tumblr account...because it looks pretty...and is pretty simple for us non html pro bloggers...

so I'm putting up songs as I make them on this site and using it for only my Friend John works and short story/screenplay writing...

and heres the link...

Friend John at Tumblr


Senior Taxi said...

I'll be sure to check that page out often to see your progress.

And, FierceNoisyBlast isn't dead(sort of). Died on Blogger, but it's alive on Baywords.


Some stuff we'll have to recreate(though I dunno if the others are going to join in, this time. They haven't said anything about that yet). But, for the most part, a large portion of the material is up on there(Including your works). Give it 2 or 3 days and it'll be nice and shiny, again.

John said...

its great to hear your still in operation, I still visit your page every time i'm looking up new music...

I would offer my assistance in giving you new music, but unfortunatly, I get about everything second hand from bloggers as the missouri music scene is mostly nonexistant...but i'll be sure to give you an update when the new records finished...its close...

Senior Taxi said...

Sorry for the delayed response. I know that I'll be eager to hear your new stuff once it's finished.

In case you had issues finding us on baywords(for some reason, it's not showing up on google's search), the url is http://finobla.baywords.com